What's The Deal With This Blog?

Hams on Film records the films and TV I watch day to day, and turns it into a fun(?) guessing game!

I will draw each film and post it with:

  • The year of release
  • Indication if it's a television show*
  • Number of words in the title
  • Possibly a genre (depending on how hard I think it is to get)

The other possibly helpful clue is that I will draw the films I like with hamsters, the films I don't like with pigs. So, if you start to get an idea of my tastes, that might help...

I will edit the posts with the correct titles and who guessed it if anyone does. At the end of each month, whoever guesses the most correctly gets to choose a movie or show for me to watch in the next month(with only minor limitations**). What an AMAZING prize!

* I will only draw one episode for a TV show when I start watching it, or if I start a new season.

** Nothing too gross or upsetting, please.